Easy Ways to Boost Your App Downloads — Get Real Google Play Store Downloads

Harshil Patel
4 min readJul 22, 2019


A Simple Guide To Boost your Play Store download from your Free Apps And Paid Apps.

Increase PlayStore Download

Boost Downloads — Free App

Most of us publish Free App on play store, every developer want to increase there Play store download and want all users to be real. So here are few tips that can improve your downloads in easy way.

1). Choose Package name Wisely

We don’t think much while choosing the package name of our app while developing it, but package name plays a good amount of role in grabbing users. Ever saw apps which are not even worth downloading but tops the search list? its because of ASO. Lets take a example to understand it.

You developed a Notification Logger App, you added its package name to-com.yoursitename.notification or com.yoursitename.logger. You published the app and after few weeks you did find you app in the search list why ?

Now make another notification app and give its package name as -com.notificationlog.notificationhistory or similar package which are available. What happens now is that mostly all user searching for notification logger app search “Notification Log”, “Notification History “ etc, so if your package name has same keyword your app will be in top of the search list. Give it a try and let me know.

2). Develop A Quality App

Developing a good app with good features and good UI with no Crash etc. This kind of app get more downloads by sharing to user to user, So a good quality app is a must. If users find that your app is A geniune app than user will himself refer to his friends and will boost your downloads. Privacy of user also play important role in quality of app, so make sure your user don’t think app is fraud.

3). Promote And User Reviews

Don’t miss any chance to promote your app, this get some real user to test and review your app. Quora, Community Pages , Facebook, Instagram etc are best way to get real world user. You can also make Website for your app and later make Facebook page and give users offers to attract them.

Take User Reviews seriously, whenever user provide feedback on play store reply user and take a note of that review, update the changes in the app. This way you are making your app more Trust worth and User Friendly

Boost Installs For Paid App

Not all developer put there app in the paid section, but they do they don’t see much changes in the download count.

1). Paid App Sale

I think this is the best way to more users to install your app. Paid App Sale is when your cut your price of the Paid app and provide discount or provide it for free. Paid app sales can be run for max. of 7 Days so do things as follows:-

  • Create Paid App Sale And Name it.
  • Select dates (Max a week)
  • Set price, I would suggest to put price to 0.00 worldwide
  • Save it

This SALE will help you get more installs to your paid app, user see that your app price it 1$ but its for free, so he will think to try that app and hence he will install it. I will give you my own example, My pro app has more installs than the normal version has. Every month I carry out a sale for a week which leads me to 500–4000 Installs in that week period depending upon your app, but for me it is a good progress, and if someone see your download count on your paid app he/she will definitely give it a try by purchasing it. So you also give it a try.

Increase Playstore download for Paid App

(Bonus)- Add Refer And Earn

This Doesn't seem a good tips for many of us, but trust me if you provide a got amount of point or anything to your user, they will get more users than any one can. Referral feature is not a big or expensive feature. You can create a Refer and earn feature in no time — TUTORIAL — For now you can provide good benefits to your users , lets say if users refer to 10 people than provide him with coupon or gift card or cash price. More tips coming soon.

Hope ! You Boost your downloads

